lundi 26 juin 2023

Façonner une planète consciente - Journée internationale du yoga avec Sadhguru à l'UNESCO

Le 21 juin 2023, Journée internationale du yoga, j'ai eu la chance d'assister à un évènement au siège de l'UNESCO à Paris, Façonner une planète consciente - Journée internationale du yoga avec Sadhguru à l’UNESCO, l'un des plus grands praticiens et enseignants de yoga au monde.

Le programme :

- Performance culturelle immersive de la Fondation Isha - Sons of Isha, Project Samskriti - axée sur le thème du yoga.

- Discours d’ouverture de la Directrice générale de l'UNESCO, Madame Audrey Azoulay et de l'Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent auprès de l'UNESCO, S.E. M. Vishal V. Sharma.

- Sadhguru a partagé ses idées sur le yoga au cours d'un entretien avec Dr Guila Clara KESSOUS, Artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix, et a guidé le public dans une méditation, et a répondu aux questions du public sur l'IA.

J'ai compilé le texte suivant autour de sujets :

1. Sadhguru explique le Yoga

2. Sadhguru dialogue avec Guila Clara KESSOUS, Artiste de l'UNESCO pour la paix

3. Sadhguru répond à des questions sur l'IA

Reference :


[2] Crafting a conscious planet :



Title : Crafting a Conscious Planet – International Day of Yoga with Sadhguru at UNESCO, 2023/6/21 

compiled by Yu LI

1. The insights on the value of Yoga by Sadhguru

Sadhguru : International Day of yoga which is a very wise acknowledgment of a science, a practice, a culture which is over 15 million years old, probably the only human activity beyond things that we do for survival to last for 15 000 years, so what is yoga, my congratulations and gratitude for all the people who work in UNESCO and every one of you. what is yoga essentially? yoga is a profound insight into human mechanism, this many layered complexity that we call as a human being, this evolutionary sophistication which has been achieved over millions of years, and all the possibilities of what it can be to know, to understand how we are made, how to explore within ourselves without belief, without philosophies, without ideologies, without authority speaking to us how to realize the nature of our origins and the ultimate possibility of who we are, this is yoga.


so this science as things are all time rolls obviously picks up various cultural aspects related to the land of its origin, it's a great pride for all of us that yoga originated in India, yoga originated in a land that was referred to as Bharat, but everybody must understand, I know some people will disagree with very strong national feelings, but yoga belongs to humanity, because anything that we discover cannot belong to any group of people, what we invent can belong to people, what we make up can belong to a certain group of people, what we discover as a reality cannot belong to me or you, it is the right of every human being to find a way for their own fulfillment. 

Generally through the ages, we've been trying to address human well-being, human struggles and human longing to expand, and become better which is always at work through belief systems, through ideologies, through philosophies, by doing freaky things and crazy things on chemicals like alcohol drugs, some prescribed, some in the back street, but essentially all these are efforts to find solutions for human fulfillment that a human being not only wants to be healthy, and well a human being constantly longing to expand. When I say longing to expand, it doesn’t matter who you are right now, you want to be something more, there's no question about that, if that something more happens today, in three days you will want to be something.

You will see even if you become the king or queen of this planet, there's no such possibility, but I'm just saying, even if you become the queen or king of this planet, you will look at the Moon, you look at the planetary system, you look at the galaxies. If I make you the king of one Galaxy, you will look at other galaxies, because there is something within you which is longing to become limitless, something within you which always wants to expand beyond its boundaries, but our survival instincts are always trying to draw boundaries, because survival depends on boundaries, this instinct comes to us through our evolutionary development, and we are trying to draw boundaries on one level, when we successfully draw a boundary, we feel suffocated, and then we want to expand the boundary, this is the human struggle. What yoga brings into one's life is this, that it clearly experientially defines to you, which aspect of you needs boundaries, which aspect of you does not need boundaries, which aspect of you wants to be contained, which aspect of you wants to expand limitlessly, not as a philosophy, not as a teaching, not as some authority speaking, but from your own inner experience. The mechanics of this, the technologies of this is what is referred to yoga. 

Unfortunately our very dumbed down version of yoga came to the West, nothing wrong with it, it's a good beginning that if you're doing yoga, you must look like a leftover noodle that is being yoga, not necessary you don't have to twist or turn anything, but keeping everything in you, flexible is an important part of expansion, if this is not flexible, you have become a concrete block, so let's say your mind, your head becomes like a concrete block, well it's good for head butting, but it doesn't work for what it is supposed to be, this is like you have your laptop, you have your phone in your hand, you can use this to crack somebody's head, actually phone works, you can use this to smash it on somebody's head, and crack their head, but that is not the purpose for which it was made, similarly that is not the purpose for this, which this was made, if we do not real realize the possibilities, if we do not realize the many possibilities of what a human being can be. Do you consider that a loss or only if you lose something, it’s a loss, most people think only if I lose what I have, it's a loss, loss of possibility is the worst loss, not realizing the possibility is the biggest loss, because everything has been lost without you knowing, you lost it. So this is what yoga brings to your life, not by morals, not by ethics, not by philosophies, but by inner experience. 

What do I mean by inner experience, the word yoga as you already know means Union, what is the Union, you know when we launched the project green hands about 27 or 28 years ago, I just looked at the terrain around me, and the national average for green cover was about 16 percent, I mean 33 percent, but the state in which I was it was only 16.5 percent, so I got a few people about four to five thousand people, and told them that we have to plant 114 million trees in the next eight to ten years, then in 15 to 20 years, we will have 33 percent green cover. Everybody roll their eyeballs, sadhguru how is 114 million trees possible? I said see the population of the state is 62 million, if all of us plant one tree today take care of it for two years, and plant one more you got the number. The only problem with us is, all of us consume everything, when it comes to compensatory activity, we always think somebody else should do it, of course, can do it you, whether it's you or using, it doesn't matter something, you do it not me. So to inspire these people, I saw they don't connect with this, they don't think what's our business with trees, what is our business with trees, I am a computer engineer, I'm a software engineer, I am this, I am that, I am a doctor, why should I plant trees, I am a farmer, why should I plant trees like this.

Then I made them sit down and started a spiritual process, we must understand spirituality does not mean looking up or looking down, because when we say Spirit, we are talking about the life within you, there is a body we gathered slowly over a period of time together, all this there was something more fundamental, I won't call it by any other name, I'll just call it as you existed before the body became this size and shape, before you acquired a body of this. I'm not complaining about the size, I'm just saying you can talk to me, when I say size don't think I'm accusing you of something before your body, became this size and shape, you still existed, isn't it, so when you were eight ten years of age you still existed, so you are there in this body whatever that you is, let's not try to define that, because then you will get into unnecessary debates, but you do exist that essential you beyond, what you have gathered in the form of body, and what you have gathered in the form of Impressions which you call as your mind, you did exist before you know what you know today be before you got your master's degree or PhD, you did exist before your body grew to this size, you did exist so that you we are referring to generally traditionally spirit, I normally refuse to use that word, because that word has been so badly corrupted and misused in so many ways, essentially this is what it means, yoga means gives you a clear distinction between what is your what you have acquired, and what is you what is your body, what is the framework of your mind, and who you are, once if you stand here or if you sit there if you have a clear distinction between your body, your mind and yourself, all your troubles are over. 

Because there are only two kinds of sufferings in human life, physical suffering, mental suffering, do you know any other kind of suffering? I'm asking because we wish I was complaining so, these are the only two things, if you create a little space between yourself and your body, between yourself and your mind, this is the end of suffering.

What this means is, you come to a place where there is no fear of suffering anymore, because whatever happens with you and your life, you will not suffer. If you had this assurance, would you explore your life with much more Vigor, with much more possibilities, yes or no? You definitely would right now it's the fear of suffering what will happen to me, if this doesn't work, what will happen to me, if that works, what will happen to me, somebody turns against me, what will happen to me, nothing will happen only thing will happen, is as we sit here, time is rolling away, we are rapidly moving towards our graves, because we have come with a limited amount of time, so there are only two ingredients for you, one is time which you have no control, you can't slow it down, you can't roll it back, there is no rewind anywhere, do you have a watch with a rewind button, so the next is the life energies that you have, you can manage this, you cannot manage time, because it rolls away for all of us, it's very fair for every one of us, it rolls at the same speed, but depending upon how intense and dynamic and exuberant you keep your energies.

Time plays out differently for different people, if your energies are at a certain level of exuberance, what somebody does in 10 hours, if you can do it in one hour, then if you live for 100 years, and that person lives for 100 years, you lived for a thousand years in terms of a human experience, it multiplies, but at the same time, let me tell you the downside of it, have you noticed on a certain day when you’re very happy has it happened to you? On a certain day you are very very happy about whatever on that day 24 hours went away like that, like a moment, another day you're a little depressed, on that day 24 hours feels like 10 000 years, yes or no, so time is a very relative experience, so only miserable people can have a long life, if you're a joyful 100 years before it'll be gone. 

So this is the process of yoga where you keep your energies at a certain level of exuberance, if this life is exuberant, then everything else falls into place, your health well-being, your ability to do things in the world, your survival process, everything above all, there is no fear of suffering, that is the most important thing, so there are many many ways to define and describe yoga, but essentially it’s about Union.

When I say Union, as I was telling you about this project green hands, when I said this many trees, they said this is impossible, then I made them sit down and breathe, they were all breathing even before, but it's not so important, so they didn't notice it is breath very important, but you're not noticing it, you're not doing it consciously, so when I made them breathe in a certain way, and made them experience see what you're exhaling the trees are inhaling, what the trees are exhaling you're inhaling, these are like this, now you can't stop them from planting trees, now I raise the, I raise the target to, I raised the target to 4 2.42 billion in the cavity basin now, they're working hard to make it happen, every year this year they're planting about 24 million trees, because this is all going into Farmland where it will survive our survival rate is over 93 percent because replacements are happening immediately in case it goes away, it is not being planted in public land, it is going into private land where these trees will grow as wealth for the farmer. 

So the fundamental thing is, this as you breathe, one half of your lungs is hanging out there, suppose you saw half of your lungs hanging out there, do I have to tell you please don't cut the tree? do you need teaching I'm asking, no anything that you see is a part of myself with that there is no conflict, this is not just about respiration every cell in your body, every subatomic particle in your body is constantly in communication with the entire Cosmos, if you sit here and you can experience everything as yourself, the whole universe as yourself, then we say you're in yoga, not because you twisted yourself, you're in yoga, you sit here you have consciously obligated the boundaries of your individuality, you're trying to do it in so many ways, if you do it in a basic physical way, this is called a sexuality, what is not you, you're trying to make it a part of yourself well, it looks like it works for a few moments after that you know; if you attempt it emotionally, this is called a love affair, love there are moments when you feel two people are one, but then you know; if you attempt mentally, this is called as ambition, conquest desire or simply shopping; if you approach it consciously, this is called yoga.

This is yoga, this must happen to the world because as human beings we are empowered like never before, no human generation ever in the history of humanity was as empowered as we are both in terms of positive creating, positive possibilities and destructive possibilities, we are far more empowered than any generation ever when this kind of empowerment has come to us, it becomes extremely extremely important that our thought, our emotion, our action is all, a conscious process. 

If it happens instinctively, it happens compulsively, we are asking for a disaster, and we have been unfolding disasters after disaster, we can call it war, we can coil climate, we can call it this and that, but we are unfolding more and more disasters, because we are with this level of intelligence, with this level of competence, this level of empowerment, we still functioning in an instinctive compulsive manner, this is what the purpose of yoga is so that human activity both internal and external becomes a conscious process, let's make a conscious planet happen, let's make it happen.

2. Sadhguru in conversation with Clara KESSOUS

Guila Clara KESSOU : my first question will be dealing with the definition of yoga itself. You said that yoga is all about ourself in terms of self-knowledge, in terms of identity, but what would you say to a child who would like to know what is Yoga in order to prepare this child to also have the willingness to physically and consciously being a little bit bothered? and I'm saying that for children, but we know that we all have this relationship to yoga the way to accept that yoga is also a question of physical body, so how would you define yoga in a very simple manner to a child?

Sadhguru : I think my own story of how I got into yoga I would settle that okay for the story, so I'm just about 11 years of age and every summer we go for a vacation in my traditional home of my grandfather which is a large home, and we are about 36 cousin brothers and sisters we all are there from various towns, only during that time for about 30 to 40 days, so it's one rollicking situation everybody's out of control, so were the young boys

one of the sport is there's a well in the backyard which is just about eight feet in width and 150 feet in depth, Summers mostly it is about 60, 70 feet down the water, one of the sport is to jump into the well, you must jump straight down, otherwise your brains will become a smear on the wall, and for coming up there is no any footholds or ladder or anything, just holding the Rocks you have to come out, so literally your entire weight is on a few centimeters of your tips of your fingers, and you will be bleeding when you come up, the nails will be bleeding because of the pressure, so we like to do it, I'm pretty good at it, 

one day we are all preparing to do this, a man an old man I refuse to call him old anymore, considering my own age at that time, A Very Old Man over 73 years of age were standing and just watching us quietly, then with our word he just came jumped into the well, I thought he's finished, but he came up faster than me, I didn't like it, I asked how, he said come and do yoga 

like a puppy, followed him, I did not know anything else about it, so he taught me some very simple physical aspects of yoga nothing much very simple, but a powerful transmission, this is what is missing in the world today, it's being thought like it is some exercise, yoga cannot be thought, yoga needs to be transmitted, somebody should live it, so it was transmitted to me in a certain way, just a simple practice evolved into something fantastic in the next 12 to 13 15 years time, but at that time I had no clue what I'm getting into and within a few years significant results in terms of my physical progress and my intellectual capabilities that was good enough for me, I was not looking for anything else, but this was a surprise bonus that other things happened so for a child, we just say this is a powerful way of empowering yourself to whatever you wish to do in your life whatever, because yoga does not define what you should do whatever the hell you want to do, do it well beautiful, so this notion of empowerment is very important in your life

Guila Clara KESSOU : my second question will be linked to what you said about Unity that is really a core of yoga, you mentioned that our way to be better connected is trying to unite spiritual and material, trying also to unite our own self to the other, can you tell us concretely and we can feel it here, you know in this room we can feel an amazing Unity thanks to your magical presence, how can yoga could help us to be more connected?

Sadhguru : when you say connected that means essentially we are separate, we can hold hands, when you say Unity also means the same thing we are different people. We can be United, that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about Union, Union is different from Unity, what union means is as I said when you breathe it's not about you caring for the tree, it's a part of you, today modern science has brought this in different languages, so let me speak that language today, they are telling you over 60 percent of your body are microbial life, so you have more microbes than your parentage within you, so it's not that you have to connect with them, you're happening because of everything else, because of every other life happening the way it is happening, you're also happening, so you are not an independent entity in any sense, this very body that you carry is part of the soil that you walk upon, but we are far away from it, so you don't have to unite with the soil, you don't have to connect with the soil any way you're connected, but you can realize it either now or when they bury us, this choice we have when this realization come to us, so we are not talking about Unity, we are not talking about, all of us should be together, no whether we like it or not, we are happening here as one, big phenomenon of life. 

If we realize that, if we experience that not intellectual realization, if you experience this, if you experience everybody in this Hall as a part of yourself like you're experiencing the five fingers of your hand as yourself, if you experience all these people as yourself, after that you don't need any teaching of you shall not do this or that, you would not need any teaching.

These teachings have our efforts to connect people to unite people, but there is still no inner experience with all the teaching, see what we are doing, with all the teachings, see what we are doing in the world simply because there is no inner experience, and there is no substitute for another experience. Any amount of teaching, any amount of philosophy, any amount of ideologies, when your life is threatened all those things will fall off, the only thing that stands with you is what is the nature of your experience at that moment. 

So yoga is not about Unity or connecting with people, it is realizing the nature of existence, the nature of existence is already in Union, nothing here happens independently, everything is connected today.

If I say soil, people say sadhguru where did you study ecology, say I've been crawling on this planet for the last 65 years and I know what the hell happens here, I am like a worm, I am not an ecologist, I am not a scientist, I am a worm who crawled for six and a half decades on this planet, what happens to the soil is happening to me, I can clearly see this it's happening to everybody, but they don't see it , they’re waiting for something bigger to happen to them, so yoga is really making us realizing the interconnection, the interdependency of each is that correct the Oneness of everything, see I'm refusing to use the word connect, because if we connect you and me are separate, and we connect.

Say I, I will die many years ahead of you, you will die at the age of 100 or more, but let's say they chose to bury you next to me, it doesn't matter what's your gender, it doesn't matter what your nationality race or religion will you merge with that soil as I merged or will you not or will you stick out I'm asking you will merge right now, what is the problem I'm asking now what is the problem even now we can [Applause], is that the only way we learn that's all I'm asking we should learn in life not in death, I would like to go a little bit further regarding this title, you know conscious planets you're saying that yoga is also allowing us to be more conscious especially when it comes to results on challenges, so in which way yoga can help us being more conscious.

The word conscious or consciousness is a very hugely misused word, everybody is using it in their own ways, for this there is a very appropriate word in Sanskrit language, in English language it's a general, it's a kind of a general word, we call this chitta, what chitta means, it is an intelligence within you which doesn't have an iota of memory, right now your body every cell in the body has Intelligence, but this is all by memory, when I say by memory, do you remember how your great great grandmother, 10 Generations ago, what she look like you know, but her nose is sitting on your face, because your body remembers million years ago, how your forefathers were the skin tone, it still remembers, yes or no? it does remember, so this body is a body of memory, there is an intelligence within you which doesn't have any memory, it's pure intelligence, this is the core of your existence, this is what is making everything happen right now, everybody breathing that's a good admission, so you are not doing your breath, it’s happening, you are not beating your heart, it's happening, you are not working your liver, it's working, you're not doing your kidney or spleen or something, it's all happening, so I am saying there is an intelligence beyond your silly intellect, 

I'm very consciously calling it sleep, because we'll come to that if you have the time well beyond your silly intellect of thoughts and emotions, there is an intelligence which is managing you, suppose for one day, for every one of you, let's say we decided breath will be left in your hands you can run it the way you want, if you got little angry you'll forget to breathe like this guy, if something else you desire you'll forget to breathe all right, fortunately it's not in your hands, it’s all running by itself, because there is an intelligence beyond your own intellect, and what you understand is my intelligence beyond that, this is working we don't pay attention to it, we just make conclusions, oh, God is running, it finished it's over, do not jump into conclusions just pay attention how is your breath happening, how is your heart beating, What's Happening Here, how is this alive without me doing anything, it's still alive, isn't it, how is it such a complex machine who the hell is running it, if you pay attention you will get to this intelligence which is beyond memory, it doesn't exist or thrive on memory, what exists on memory is a possibility, at the same time it's a huge limitation, see right now, what makes you one kind of person, your memory, isn't it, what makes somebody else, another kind of person, their memory what makes somebody at this nationality or that nationality, their memory, you erase their memory, do they know witnessing they belong to, they’ll belong to UNESCO [Laughter] [Applause], so what happens by memory is significant for our survival, because memory is an accumulation of experience, but there is an intelligence Beyond memory, which we refer to as chitta, which is consciousness, to awaken this intelligence to find access to this intelligence is the fundamental purpose of yoga.

Guila Clara KESSOU : Thank you very much! I'd like to come back also to the importance of the international recognition of yoga, as you know the practice of yoga has been inscribed in the list of intangible cultural heritage and since 2016 under UNESCO 203 convention for the safeguarding. I'm just saying on a lighter in lighter rain it's a very tangible Heritage, that's true, it's the name of the convention  maybe should renamed, because we are coming to the 20th year of this convention, and I would like to know, dear Sadhguru if you had any message, you would like to give to those who are fighting to Advocate the importance of yoga as living Heritage of humanity?

Sadhguru :  one important thing is most important thing in the world is Yoga should not, people must understand, it's not just some simplistic exercise that you can do, if all you're looking for a little bit of physical fitness, just go swim somewhere you have a river you swim upstream, you will become fit or you go play tennis, you do something, I'm saying it's not just about Fitness, yes, Fitness is one of the consequences, the importance of yoga is to explore the limits of your individual nature, where the boundaries are how you can obliterate it, you don't have to hold that intent, the process will just do that as I said, when I started all I wanted was I wanted to become as strong as that old man, that is the only goal, I had no other goal, I didn't want to meditate, I didn't want to go anywhere, I didn't want anything bigger than that, that was the goal, it doesn't matter, this is the beauty of living in this world. if you do the right things even for the wrong reasons, it'll work.

It can start with a simple physical process because that's the easiest access front end of our life is definitely our bodies, so you can start with the body nothing wrong with that, but an understanding that you're not starting just a simplistic exercise process because essentially what we are trying to create is coherence, when I say coherence well, we were talking about it, you want the tree breathing it's all one you and the universe is all one every supporting particle today, modern science is saying is all connected and transmitting, that means the whole creation is in coherence, but you are not experiencing that coherence recently the Surgeon General of United States said one in every two Americans one in every two is feeling lonely between you and me, one of us is lonely, what's happening to the other person, so you're wearing your heart out, so just look at this one in two is feeling lonely in the most affluent Nation, when our population is bursting at 8.4 billion, we're feeling lonely, what is it, that is we are building walls of individuality walls that you yourself cannot break, you build a wall that you yourself cannot break, because these walls are built as self-protection, the walls of self-protection that you build today tomorrow will turn into walls of self-impressionment that's all ,that’s happening to the world everywhere, it's happening United States happens little more dramatically, because they're little ahead of everybody else in a few things so just imagine in a country, every second American if they are feeling lonely, loneliness is the first step towards mental illness you've taken, one step next will come, so yoga means you're not lonely anymore, because only you exist in the universe, everything is you wherever you see, it's just you, so when you see too much of yourself you'll close your eyes and sit.

3. Sadhguru answered questions about AI

Public (1) : I’m actually from the Philippines and I live in Dubai for 16 years. I wrote down two questions for you.

Number one nowadays we see a lot of AI based fakes photos videos voices all generated by AI to sound or look like someone else and detecting this fix is a big I was just wondering from a Mystics perspective if you look at the photo or video would you be able to see something Beyond just a surface and know if it was fake or real and the second question is well it's actually more of a suggestion when are you coming to the Philippines thank you.

Sadhguru it's a very good time that what some human beings thought is silly things they were doing, but they thought they're doing something fantastic, phone can do it better than them, hello make us when you are in school you know one silly idiot who could remember little more than you acted like he is number one, what does he do in front of your phone, he didn't have the GB that it has somebody read 10 books, and they became professors and you had to listen to their drone, somebody else read just one book and they became agents of God and you had to suffer them, all this is going to go, because a machine can say all these things better than any human being, hello, because Gathering memory analyzing it and projecting it is a very mechanical process, that's why in the beginning when I said, when I refer to the intellect, I said you're silly intellect, because here is worshiped that it's the highest thing intellect is a extremely important process for you to survive in this world, now with Shopper it is the better it is, but once you hold a sharp instrument in your hands you must have a very conscious hand, if you are little la la, intestines will come out, that's what is happening right now.

Human intellect is the only thing that's destroying this world, isn't it, either you destroy somebody or yourself, why is it that we don't give a sharp knife to a child's hand, not because a knife is dangerous, because the child is unconscious and he may either harm himself or somebody else, knife no knife ever jumped and stabbed Somebody by itself, it is the hand that holds it, if it is not held consciously, it becomes a dangerous process, right now that's what it is so, everybody is talking about the dangers of AI, ah yes, it is true, see I remember this in the Mumbai docks or the port at that time, I’m talking about early 70s 72 or something like that first Gantry was installed to unload the ships, at that time people human beings were going into the ship and bag by bag, Box by box, they were unloading it, something like a 150000 ton, ship would take about 28 days to unload one ship, today with multiple gantries that are there 25 ships are unloaded which are all over quarter million tons and loaded within 24 hours, so at that time those labor in Mumbai called mazagon docks went into strike, they said this machine if you install what are we supposed to do with this, hello with man's muscle what are we supposed to do, this is what now the professors and intellectuals are asking what am I supposed to do with my brain, if the machine is going to do all this, you never explode the human possibility you lived so mechanically, now you're being challenged by a machine so, can I see whether something is fake or not in terms of AI, I don't look at life like that.

I'm a very difficult thing to confess, I don't read anything, the most profound things that I read came from Europe that was a strict magazine, you know you know you read histrix and some came from United States which was Dennis the Menace, otherwise people give me all kinds of books I somewhere open in the middle, if I read one page, one or two pages, I know the mind of the author, but he cannot say he can do as much intellectual circus as he wants, but what he can say, what he cannot say is very obvious, once you understood the loops of his mind, so even now it's the same thing, what does it matter, whether a machine generated a man generated it who is mechanical like a machine it's about the same for me, right now, you will see spiritual teachers will come in the form of AI, because they read the scriptures five scriptures and they remember every word which no human being can do backwards forwards whichever way you want, they will tell you all the four Vedas and everything, hello so people who just one or read one or two books and they thought they gotten somewhere and made a life out of that they are all feeling threatened, and it's a good thing, it's a very good thing, because you need to understand this was not made to do just mechanical things, this came with a different possibility during the explore, because you’re constantly busy racing with somebody, your whole thing is to be better than somebody, if you can remember a million words, I want to remember 2 million words, If you have a billion dollars, I want to have two billion dollars, this is the whole nonsense you’re, you invested your life into so, you become just like a machine work maybe working little faster or little better that is not the value of Being Human, human being can become conscious can contain the whole Cosmos within himself or herself, and this will explode in a different way, if all things that we can do with our and with our intellect can be done by the machine, I think that's the ideal day on the planet that will be fantastic day [Applause], about Philippines so many islands tell me where should I come.

Public (2) : I’m a professor, I am from Swanson University in UK and we do some research on AI. What I'm really inspired to see so many young people here and from the University stands point, I mean it's terrific to see so many young minds, so my question to you sadhguru is, we can look to do some amazing projects on the question you talked about isolation loneliness caused by virtual reality, so my question is, what project this youngster can do scientifically ? which obviously publish at the end of their dissertations that can link up loneliness and artificial intelligence that we use the technology for the well-being and not end up then saying oh we got it wrong 10, 20 years later thank you!

Sadhguru : Professor I'm sorry, if I said something disparaging. I'm so sorry I don't mean that and if young people and yourself who are a leader of those people want to do something, let me put this out to you, see what you want to do, because there are many ways to participate, these things are not going to happen, because of any one person or one organization or a group of people, this needs the world's involvement, otherwise it will not happen, this is what we are referring to as conscious planet.

So Consciousness as I said it doesn’t matter how much I talk about it, generally it flies over people's heads, they don't get it, because in their mind they're trying to the only way they can understand something, right now with the present form of education is they're looking for a definition what is that, if it can be defined, that's not consciousness, if something is defined, it's physical in nature, the nature of physicality is a clear definition that is physicality that, which is beyond definitions, which are beyond the boundaries of all definitions, that is consciousness, so that's a negative definition in a way.

So we say in yoga we always identify you’re, you're a professor you identify with the knowledge that you represent, as a yogi I identify with my ignorance, why see this Cosmos how big it is neither the men of science nor the religious, people know where it begins, where it ends, no religious person knows where the cosmos begins, where it ends, bombastic stories are there leave that nobody knows nor do the men of science know where does it begin, where does it end in this vast Cosmos. It doesn't matter if you read all the books on the planet still what you know is a miniscule, am I correct the planet itself is a miniscule, if you identify with your knowledge you will become that minuscule, see how do you become French, you identified with the nation, isn't it, what you identify with it, you become that, how does somebody become an Indian identify with that, because the moment you identify with something you become that, and your mind works around that, you're willing to live and die for that, so the moment you identify with the minuscule of knowledge, you will become that minuscule and rule out all possibilities, but our ignorance is boundless, if you identify with your ignorance, you stay boundless.

So conscious planet this is a movement which is already on in a certain way, but we will be launching a particular aspect of conscious Planet which will relate to people's mental well-being in a certain way, we're looking at many possibilities essentially it is towards exploring the miracle of your mind, we as a species are dominating this planet only because our cerebral cortex flowered, otherwise we would be operating just food, reproduction, sleep, that's about it, but we've become human, something fired within us, our ability to use our intelligence in different ways, our phenomenal sense of memory and our fantastic sense of imagination all these things are our cerebral process, that is the process that most human beings are suffering right now, they are not suffering life, see people suffer what happened 10 years ago, now what happened 10 years ago is not alive, you're suffering your memory, isn't it, those who are in the upper houses you are suffering your memory, you can suffer what may happen day after tomorrow, already what does this mean you're suffering your imagination, your memory, and your imagination are two fantastic faculties that we have, which sets us apart from every other creature, and it took millions of years of research and development not in a university but on this planet to get you this level of cerebral capability, and now you suffer this, you can call it stress, you can call it anxiety, you can call it tension, you can call it depression, you can call it by a names if you want, essentially your intelligence has turned against you, you don't know how to hold this sharp knife, you keep poking yourself. 

So if you remove half your brain, everybody will be peaceful, yes, so essentially the only way people can be reasonably in control is take away their possibilities, see why do you if somebody is a dangerous criminal why is it unfortunately, if there were no people there was no City, you could leave him somewhere where he can live happily by himself, but no because he is dangerous for others, you lock him up that you're doing locking yourself up with your own identities, with your own stuff, and at least there somebody has a key, when they wish to, they can open it, here you thrown away the key, this is important that conscious does not mean you become conscious about something.

Consciousness is like light, it's on what is it showing, it will show what is there, oh I became conscious that she's here that's not the point, I am conscious that means whatever is, here is in my purview, So when you say conscious, people say, I became conscious of God, I became conscious of this, conscious of that, this is not about that, it is just to light up, if you have to light up, you need to energize yourself, this is like the voltage is right now low, it shows just let's say the voltage is very low in my vision, it just shows these four people, what do I think in my experience I think there are only four people in this Hall, if it lights up a little more, then suddenly I see 20 people if it lights up fully, then I see everybody, this is the nature of your experience.

So for your Consciousness to light up you need a more intense and exuberant levels of energy to create this, we are offering about 10 to 12 different kind of things everybody cannot meditate, everybody cannot do yoga there are classical art forms, there are classical martial arts, there is music, there are variety of things, 12 to 15 minutes that's all we will put this on the app, and it will be ready, sometime in 2024, we will make this available to the whole world.